Why I Write….A Quick Note on Entering the Blogosphere

Why do I write? Why did I decide to start a blog? These are questions I’ve been asking myself. Everyone seems to have a blog these days, but I’m not very trendy. I haven’t even joined any social networking sites (except for the shared facebook account that I have with my wife, on which I rarely post anything myself). I used to think that people with blogs just liked to hear their own voices. To see their words in print. That they were hoping to be published in a “real” medium at some point. That’s not really me (at least I hope!).

But then my attitude slowly began to change. I started reading a few blogs here and there, and found them edifying. Then I read something from Desiring God that got me thinking and finally pushed me over the edge. It was an article called 6 Reasons Pastors Should Blog. It was these lines that got to me:

If you’re a pastor, you probably already know the value writing has for thinking. Through writing, you delve into new ideas and new insights. If you strive to write well, you will at the same time be striving to think well.

It struck me because I know that’s the way my mind works. Writing helps me to think, to clarify, and to go deeper. I’m under no illusions that I’m a great writer. I’m not. But I know that it helps me. So, I decided to do something I never really thought I’d do: enter the blogosphere. I don’t know if anyone (besides my family!) will ever read what I write. I think my writing will mostly be for me, anyway. I probably won’t post every day, and maybe not even every week. However frequent I write here, my goals are pretty simple:

  1. To bring glory to God, which applies to all of life
  2. To write to improve my own thinking and communication skills
  3. To create a “digital memory” of sorts, so I can access digital notes on things I’m reading and thinking about
  4. To give some benefit (I hope!) to other people that stumble across what I have to say

Whether or not I always meet those goals, this blog has become the place where the things I’ve been thinking about get scribbled down…those things I don’t want to forget in the midst of busyness. Notes in the Margins is meant to be my own personal compendium of theology, remembrances, and notes that are written in the margins of life. You’re welcome to read along if you’d like!