Sermons and Sermon Notes

"A Great Way to Pray for This Church" (Ephesians 3:14-21)

Bob Allen, January 24, 2016
Series: First EFC Transition / 2016; Preached at a First EFC Las Cruces Sunday Morning service

Sunday, January 24th was a special Sunday in the life of First Evangelical Free Church. With Pastor John Powell getting ready to retire at the end of the month and officially “pass the baton” to me, we decided to invite Pastor Bob Allen to address the congregation. Pastor Bob planted this church back in 1970, and I had the privilege of serving with him in ministry for several years in Tucson. It was Pastor Bob’s connection to First EFC that initially brought me onto the search committee’s radar, and I’m grateful that his endorsement encouraged them to pursue those initial conversations with me. His sermon was fitting for the occasion, and I thought I should preserve it here as part of this church’s history. After the service, those who were part of the congregation when Pastor Bob was here gathered at the Hunter’s home for a lunch with all three pastors. I was glad to be a part of this celebration of 3 generations of First EFC pastors!

Tags: First Evangelical Free Church, Passing the Baton, Transition

"A Great Way to Pray for This Church", Ephesians 3:14-21