“First Place In All Things”

Colossians 1:15-20 is a privilege to preach…and it is also intimidating to preach. This is one of the richest passages for Christology in the entire Bible! I don’t know that I did it justice, but I hope to have this passage ringing in all of our ears for a long time to come, even if my sermon is long forgotten.

“Evangelship and Discangelism: Counting the Cost”

I preached a sermon last Sunday to wrap up GracePointe’s M.E.O.W. (Missions, Evangelism, and Outreach Week). I don’t preach a lot of topical sermons, but this one was on the dual themes of Evangelism and Discipleship. My premise was two-fold, from Matthew 28:18-20 (the “Great Commission”) and Luke 14:25-33… Continue reading