The University of Arizona Wildcats

Tucson is my hometown…and it just happens to be home to my favorite University! (Go figure…)

I attended the University of Arizona for a year before transferring to a Bible College to finish my degree. And I’ll always consider myself a Wildcat. I enjoy U of A football, but I LOVE Wildcats basketball! Bear down!

Tim Keller On The Effects Of The Gospel

The Christian gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. It undermines both swaggering and sniveling. I cannot feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone. I do not think more of myself nor less of myself. Instead, I think of myself less.
Tim Keller, The Reason For God (Page 181)

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) is an evangelical learning community united around the gospel of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. TEDS is located in Deerfield, Illinois and affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA). It’s also the school from which I earned a Master of Divinity in 2010. I loved the experience that I had there and highly recommend it to anyone considering a seminary education.

Don’t forget to find out about my other recommendations.


We need more healthy churches…and 9Marks is a ministry dedicated to equipping church leaders with a Biblical vision and practical resources. The “9Marks” refer to some important marks of a healthy church: (1) Expositional Preaching. (2) Biblical Theology. (3) A Biblical Understanding of the Good News. (4) A Biblical Understanding of Conversion. (5) A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism. (6) Biblical Church Membership. (7) Biblical Church Discipline. (8) Biblical Discipleship and Growth. (9) Biblical Church Leadership. I believe that 9Marks is one of the best resources for putting Biblical ecclesiology into practice.

If you’re interested, continue on to check out some other noteworthy resources.