
We need more healthy churches…and 9Marks is a ministry dedicated to equipping church leaders with a Biblical vision and practical resources. The “9Marks” refer to some important marks of a healthy church: (1) Expositional Preaching. (2) Biblical Theology. (3) A Biblical Understanding of the Good News. (4) A Biblical Understanding of Conversion. (5) A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism. (6) Biblical Church Membership. (7) Biblical Church Discipline. (8) Biblical Discipleship and Growth. (9) Biblical Church Leadership. I believe that 9Marks is one of the best resources for putting Biblical ecclesiology into practice.

If you’re interested, continue on to check out some other noteworthy resources.

The Gospel Coalition

I’d say one of the websites or blogs I frequent the most is that of The Gospel Coalition. The Gospel Coalition serves Christians and the local church by promoting gospel-centered ministry and providing gospel-centered resources for the global church. A much needed ministry with many great resources! I’m always challenged, informed, and blessed by what I find there.

Feel free to find out more about other noteworthy resources I recommend.