“Gospel Perspective in Life and Death”

I feel a bit negligent, since I haven’t blogged anything in a couple of months. Getting settled in Las Cruces has taken a bit more time and energy than I anticipated. I plan to catch up at least on posting my sermons from the last two months (7 of them!). This particular sermon on 2 Timothy 1:1-2 is from back in mid-August and is the first one in an expository series on Paul’s final epistle… Continue reading

“Sanctified and Sent, Together”

I don’t often preach “Vision Casting” sermons…but this week’s sermon was an exception. The sermon text was John 17:13-23, a portion of Jesus’ prayer just before He gets arrested and ultimately heads to the cross. But the topic was our “Community Groups”…and particularly the “Third Place” or outreach aspect that our Elders are seeking to pursue. I pray that our congregation’s vision of God is magnified and that our motivation to be about His mission and align ourselves with His priorities is increased.