“One Greater than Jonah” (Jonah 1)

Yesterday was my first time preaching a sermon from the book of Jonah. There’s a reason that we’ve decided to go through the book of Jonah at this particular time. Our church is now more than two years past our unification and new identity as GracePointe. We’ve come a long way since those first times of meeting and worshipping together. But I think all of our Elders sense a need for our “Passion Statement” to be more than just a slogan. It needs to truly represent our passion… Continue reading

“The Power of the Gospel for Everyday Evangelism”

This sermon is part of a series that our church has been in called “Everyday Church”…it’s based on a book that all the “Community Groups” at our church are reading together that’s of the same name, Everyday Church (written by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis). I’ve posted some notes on this book and commend it to anyone who wants to think well about what “church life” is really supposed to be.

“Evangelship and Discangelism: Counting the Cost”

I preached a sermon last Sunday to wrap up GracePointe’s M.E.O.W. (Missions, Evangelism, and Outreach Week). I don’t preach a lot of topical sermons, but this one was on the dual themes of Evangelism and Discipleship. My premise was two-fold, from Matthew 28:18-20 (the “Great Commission”) and Luke 14:25-33… Continue reading

“Shine” (Psalm 67)

As I continue to prepare for our church’s upcoming M.E.O.W. (Missions, Evangelism, and Outreach Week), I long for the nations to find joy in Christ! This is a video on Psalm 67 that I came across a couple of years ago. It always inspires me as to the breadth of God’s plan in Christ to redeem a people for Himself from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Let the nations be glad!

Prayercast | Shine