Telling vs. Showing

The way you help your people understand that the gospel is for all of life is not by telling them the gospel pervades everything, but by showing them in how you teach…The gospel is what makes our teaching distinctively Christian.
Trevin Wax, Gospel-Centered Teaching (Page 42)

The Risks and Rewards of Dual Citizenship

Independence Day is coming at the end of this week. It’s a fun holiday, isn’t it? Barbecues, family, friends, and fireworks. It’s a day that we celebrate all the good things about life in these United States. Sure, there’s some not so great things, too. As a follower of Christ, I don’t approve of every policy, law, or position that our government has perpetuated. I grieve over what much of our culture calls “good” and “evil”. But, I still celebrate on the Fourth of July…for all the good things God has brought about in our nation. He is always at work!

This year I’ve taken to reflecting on both my citizenship here in the U.S. as well as my citizenship in heaven. Continue reading